Eme Owoaje

- Position:
- Country Principal Investigator
- Affiliation:
- University of Ibadan (Nigeria)
- Email:
- eowoaje@com.ui.edu.ng
Eme Owoaje is the STRIPE Principal Investigator for Nigeria. She has been actively involved in identifying respondents for the qualitative and quantitative streams of the project by engaging with GPEI organizations, government health officials, NGOs, and other implementing partners.
She is a public health physician, a professor, and currently the Chair of the Department of Community Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Eme’s research focuses on Rehabilitative and Social Medicine. Specific areas of research focus include, Epidemiology of diseases and health-related conditions which cause injury and disabilities; Health problems and rehabilitation needs of disadvantaged populations such as orphans and vulnerable children, the elderly and urban slum residents; and Women’s health issues particularly Intimate partner violence.