
Synthesis and Translation of Research and Innovation from Polio Eradication

Findings from the knowledge mapping phase are used to develop an online open-access global health course organized under 10 knowledge domains. Course materials (including recorded lectures and corresponding slides) can be accessed by clicking on the links below:

Global Health Knowledge Domains

  1. Introduction to Polio Eradication
  2. Global Alliance for Public Health
  3. Policy Engagement and Influence
  4. Field Epidemiology and Emergency Response
  5. Data for Decision Making
  6. Health Communications and Behavior Change
  7. Community Engagement
  8. Planning and Management
  9. Health Commodities, Logistics, and Supply
  10. Human Resources for Health
  11. Health Equity and Social Justice

One to two lectures and roundtable discussions are developed for each domain. The first lecture represents a more basic introduction to the topic while the second lecture explores more advanced themes and sometimes controversial topics

Massive Open Online Course

The global health course is also available on FutureLearn © and has been compiled as a set of 3 Massive Open Online Courses:

  1. Planning and Managing Global Health Programs: Promoting Quality, Accountability, and Equity
  2. Building Alliances in Global Health: From Global Institutions to Communities
  3. Collecting and Using Data for Disease Control and Global Health Decision-making